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Was it yesterday... nope but it seems like yesterday when i met my fellow beloved 5b dudettes!!!!! Lea! Aisyah! Joanna! Sri! Hui Zhen! Lea brought her video cam cum camera and took all the hilarious antics and wore a diff dress code heheh but she is still sophisticated , Aisyah has pythons on arms, she must be working out! Joanna is still sweet and bubbly like.. Joanna! Sri is weird in a groovy way! but she left early with joanna. so i didnt get to spent much with them.what a pity.. Hui zhen brought her masterpieces, which is made up of coil, its very artistic and unique!
We had fun but i joined them in the evening since i have to attend the field trip. what a pity, but we had an amazing evening!!!!! esp the chilli chopping part..hehe

As for today, i basically did nothing useful. logged into you tube and check out some videos. and as i was chatting with sri, she gave me a link to watch a k-pop video and it was just heart-breaking, love can do wonders, i was grabbed by the fact that he is so selfless and would sacrifice one of his most important senses just because he have a place for her in his heart. all of u ladies and gentleman should watch it for yourself.

i guess thats it for now. will be watching johnny at 6.30 and i'll be looking forward to seeing his new movie. arrr'

posted @ 5:32 PM

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ola amigo! alrighty where should i begin.... the most special highlight would be the the day when HuiZhen, Joanna, Sri went to hang out together!!!!! Gosh i really miss them, every bit and every moment is worthwhile... they reminded me of my secondary school days and we got to relive the moment again! gracias!!! But when we reached Tm to meet Bubu and Ross, I had go off to meet my folks. geez. its ok we can always meet up and hang out again right! *winks*

And if u realised, im not blogging as often as i usually do.. any inconvenient cause is much regretted. lolz
keep in touch!!!

posted @ 5:39 PM

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Some wise insights (i got it when i hopped into Sri's blog)
You Should Date An Italian!
You love for old fashioned romance, with an old fashioned guyAn Italian guy is the perfect candidate to be your prince charmingIf your head doesn't spin enough, just down another espresso with himInvest in a motorcycle helmet - and some carb blocker for all that pasta!
Which Foreign Guy Should You Date?

Correction on the part where the motorcycle comes in, we ride on two different bikes or no bike at all. ahaha

posted @ 10:39 PM
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hari ini hari yg amat pelik dan juga seronok bagi saya. salah satu sebab ialah kerana keesokkan harinya ialah hari pertama saya di sekolah yg boleh dianggap baru. Saya diberi kebenaran untuk pulang awal dan seperti biasa, keretapi yg saya naiki penuh dengan berbagai orang, maklumlah, hari ini adalah hari buruh. saya sedang berdiri sambil termenung memandang kasut saya apabila saya terdengar '' apa ini tolak tolak, kalau lu sempit gua pun sempit''. dan ini mencetus perasaan ingin tahu saya(tidak salah bukan)hati saya berbisik'' siapakah agaknya yang meremeh-temehkan perkare kecil ni. rupa-rupanya ia adalah salah seorang daripada pasangan remaja . mengapa? mengapa? mengapa dia harus memaparkan imej sebegitu? perkara tolak-menolak, sudah menjadi lumrah, bukankah lebih baik jikalau kita mengalah. mungkin adah sesetengah dari kita akan berkata '' apa nak mengalah! hak kita apa! nak jadi penakut buat apa!'' Tetapi perkara sebegini hanya memalukan dan memang sepatutnya dielakkan . ''hak'' apa yang anda ingin mempertikaikan? hak untuk mendapatkan tempat duduk? hak untuk menarik perhatian dengan membuat perkara yg tidak secara langsung menjatuhkan kita demikian hari?Bukankah lebih baik jika kita kita berusaha untuk mendapatkan hak kita yg sebenarnya iaitu dari segi mendapat posisi kerja dan taraf kehidupan yg baik. mungkin ada yg berkata ini semua perkara yg bosan dan tidak perlu dipercakapkan ataupun mengikut isitilah anak zaman sekarang ''Jangan nak bebual world lah''. ring!!!!sudah waktunya kita semua sedar, segala apa yg kita lakukan sekarang menentukan perkara yg bakal berlaku bukan tahun depan tetapi detik dan saat seterusnya. (untuk pengetahuan anda org yg dimaksudkan oleh remaja di keretapi itu ialah seorang warga tua)
baiklah. sampai disini sahaja ya.
And to all my peers who have started school, im gonna miss u guys!!!! and watching anugerah skrin is a total bummer.
P.s; to those in poly, happy using adult fare!!!

posted @ 9:29 PM

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this instrumental music gave a picturesque view of maidens playing their violins by the seaside when the sun is setting. while a couple was dancing to the breathtaking tune... which depicts grace, virtue and harmony which is truly lacking nowadays. But i truly believe that the japanese or nihonjin are people that still uphold their culture and tradition as u can see they have a high standard of living which they had earned. recently i went to a class which was taught by a japanese lady, she explained to us a little bit of their culture and i was stunned by the language they speak and use among each other.. and they are very particular about politeness and respect. And i believe that this is something which we should emulate. and i had a great time with huizhen and clare! we took prints in a juvenile way and clare was somehow affected by the kiddoes, well theres a kid in everybody. Most of peers are starting school soon, some have already done so. well wish u guys all the best!

posted @ 4:24 PM

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Im listening to vanilla ice while typing this... it goes something like this ''Ice Ice Baby.Ice Ice Baby.All right stop.Collaborate and listen Ice is back with my brand new invention''... etc etc etc... hes the slim shady of the 80's.. it rhymes huh...hahah
Yesterday Sri and i went to hang out and watched a movie called Ultraviolet and it is Ultra worth your every penny. its an action movie similar to Aeon Flux but with no explicit content. the next time we're going to hang out with the rest of our peers!!!! Right Huizhen? with my lawyer, huiqi, joanna,ros, lea, aisyah, mas.. the more the merrier! yeah! So this was what happened during that day,
let me give u guys a vision...

Astonished from the inside.


Sri Dreaming.

Me and my personification of Zorro.

Our very own Ms SrI, She's on the runway. i'm giving her props for her outfit. the eccentric design is rather unique and elegant.

Our nachos and Popcorny. And an identified ET finger.

And last but not least this belongs to Jack. Also known as Jack and the Beanstalk. For further details u may contact the photographer. 1800-Sri'sMasterpiece.

To Be Continued....

And Have a Nice Day!

posted @ 2:57 PM

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like any other 16 year old who had just ended their examination would wanna make full use of their holidaes and one of their inclination is of course working. thats when i got my first job, at 16. the dumbest and the most gullible age of all (well not literally). its easy to picked on an unexperienced worker which is me. some adults can be nice but some can be fiesty especially when they treat you like worthless speck of dust.(maybe im exaggerating) well that was how i felt when i first worked, but gradually i became more knowledgeable about the working life which is, u can't always expect the goodies, u need to face the fact that u are workin under a company which apparently is not yours. At times u may get picked on and received negative feedbacks, and all u can do is to put up with it and state views in an unoffensive way.it is not wise of u to simply quit coz its all parts of parcels of working life unless you are your own boss, which is what my mentor always remind me ''get yourself a good education, a good job and u'll will be the one instructing and picking on others not the other way round''. well,2 years have passed by and this second job of mine is rather fine and cool. i get to know plenty of gracious and refreshing individuals.
And SRi, im now addicted to within temptations. credits to u.

posted @ 12:41 PM

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Saya menaip berdasarkan pengalaman yang saya telah pun alami. Saya kerap ke ite dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang peluang kecermelangan pelajar dan juga untuk mendapat informasi yg lebih teperinci.
sebagaimana yang anda semua maklum, bangunan yg tersergam indah terletak di simei merupakan ite yg terbaru lagi canggih jika dibandingkan dengan yg lainnya. layanan yg diberikan disana amat memuaskan, mereka sentiasa memberi senyuman apabila menguruskan keperluan murid2. pergerakkan mereka amat professional tanpa sebarang kecemerkapan.Saya amat kagum dan ini memberi saya sebuah idea bahawa ite adalah yg terbaik. Tujuan saya bukan untuk memperlekehkan khidmat yg diberi oleh institusi yg lain, tetapi kita boleh mengikut cara yg telah mereka paparkan, kerana ini akan memberi kesan yg positif terhadap syarikat itu sendiri. saya pernah dilayan seolah-olah saya telah membuat sesuatu yg jijik.layanan yg diberikan memberi gambaran imej sesebuah atau seorang dan sesuatu perkara, dan ini tentu akan menjadi bahan kritikan; yg harus dijauhkan. pada pendapat saya, khidmat yg diberikan tidak harus mempunyai garis pandu seperti konsep melayan kanak-kanak dan konsep melayan orang dewasa, perbezaannya ialah, selalunya mereka akan memberi layanan sambil lewa terhadap kanak-kanak ataupun remaja dan memberikan khidmat yg terbaik terhadap org yg dewasa(mungkin kerana taraf) tetapi anda mesti ingat, kanak-kanak zaman millenium mempunyai daya fikiran yg setanding persis seorang dewasa. anda tentu telah menyaksikan ''Singapore brainiest kid'', nah itu satu contoh yg amat ketara.
Saya percaya bahawa ite adalah tempat yang mempunyai berbagai banjaran yg kita boleh ikuti, kerana saya sendiri akan turut serta dalam salah satu daripada jurusan yg telah ditawarkan. Saya tidak menafikan bahawa saya pernah memandang rendah terhadap institusi tersebut,maaf kata ya,mungkin kerana pengaruhnya dan juga kata-kata negatif yg diberikan oleh org sekeliling. Itulah kesilapan yg saya telah lakukan dengan membuat tanggapan tanpa asas yg relevan.tetapi, apabila saya diberikan penjelasan yg benar dan kukuh, persepsi saya mula berubah . Pelajaran yg ditawarkan amat berguna walaupun ia memakan sedikit masa. jika anda mengetepikan 'pengaruh', dan menjulang pelajaran, saya pasti ite ialah sebuah institusi yg setanding dgn yg lainya. Hari ini saya di tunjukkan bukti, iaitu ia telah dianugerahkan ''Singapore quality class award'' dan ini bukan calang-calang anugerah, ia hanya boleh diperolehi oleh segelintir institusi di singapura dan dunia.

posted @ 12:21 AM